Email campaign

Marketing email campaign to convert 7-day free trial signups to customers as well as
reach out to abandoned shopping carts, users that never accessed their trials and past customers.


My Role

Along with my UI/UX responsibilities I also designed, maintained and monitored the email campaign that went along with the e-commerce sites 7-day free trial.

The Challenge

The goal was to get the 7-day free trial customers to convert to a paid user. There were five emails total that would be dripped over the 7-days of the free trial, after many discussions and trial and error I came up with a campaign that basically consisted of tips and tricks of how to use the product. Along with the main emails there were also emails for users that never logged into their free trial, bailed shopping carts, and past customers.


Overall it was a successful project. The email campaign maintained a constant open rate of 40-48%, but that didn't stop me from making adjustments and improving. Based on clicks, opens and bailed stats I continually kept making changes to improve the emails. I was able to use my many years of design experience and my marketing skills to develop a well rounded user experience from beginning to end.